A downloadable game for Windows

Aboard the CC Vaulterprise arrives the final order from the federation: To chill or to kill, such is the feel.

As it stands, it's a barebones playtest for pseudo turn based roguelike. The screen starting full white is normal, as it is loading the map file . Collisions partially implemented and there's 3 npcs.
After a character's PV  goes to zero, nothing happens. The screenshots reflects the assets made for this game.

// // // Controls \\ \\ \\
WASD/Arrows Keys - Movement (Top down)
Attack - Move into npc
Space - Accelerates turn ending
Number 0 - Reloads game

Made with Python using the Arcade Library.


TTtTT.zip 45 MB

Install instructions

Unpack the zip file and open the exe file.

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